Our Team



Chiami Ishibashi (Teacher/Admin)

石橋千明美は福岡出身です。神戸のインターナショナルスクール (バカロレア)を卒業後、上智大学に入学・卒業(ボストン大学への留学ではファイナンスを専攻)。大学時代にはGE FMP(リーダーシッププログラム)でインターンを経験。大学卒業はドレスナー証券、ゴールドマンサックス証券にて13年以上勤務。

資格:全国キッズSTEAM教育協会理事、数学検定協会認定幼児さんすうインストラクター資格、NASA 提携Endeavor STEM Teaching Leadership Certificate候補、 チャイルドマインダー資格、子供英語講師養成講座終了、外務員試験一種、二種、防災管理者など

Chiami is from Fukuoka, Japan. She graduated from an International school in Kobe (IB) and received her BA from Sophia University (majored in Finance at Boston College during an exchange program) . She did an internship at GE FMP Leadership program and has 13+ years working experience at an Investment Bank (Dresdner and Goldman Sachs).

Credentials: Director of JAPAN KIDS STEAM Association, Suken certified Child Mathematics Instructor, Child Minder, Completed Bilingual Teacher program, Gaimuin Type 1 and 2


Abigail Johnston (Teacher/Admin)


Abigail Johnston is from United States. After graduating from an University in America, she continued her education in Japan. She speaks fluent Japanese and has been working as an English teacher ever since graduation.


Alyssa Hamilton (Teacher)


Alyssa is from United States. She has fifteen years of experience in education. In addition to teaching English as a second/foreign language for numerous years in both public and private settings in her home state of Texas and most recently Oregon, she also has taught throughout Saitama and Tokyo. Most recently, she has returned from the U.S. after earning her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Phoenix (Bachelor’s degree in English from Arizona State University). She specializes in teaching K-8 grade level range.

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Adam Anderson (Teacher)


Adam Anderson is from Canada.  He has over 10 years of teaching English and Art to children in Japan. He holds a degree in Art. He is a father of two beautiful girls.

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Meilani Takaki (Substitute Teacher)


Meilani Takaki is from Hawaii.  She has worked at various international schools and preschools in Tokyo for over 8 years.